Creating my own art is something I love to do, but also helping others to find joy in art is just as fulfilling.
Over the years I have enjoyed teaching all ages - all different forms of art. I've worked with special needs students, elementary students, teenagers & adults.
We've done guided painting classes, learned how to make murals, played with jewelry, clay, papermaking ,etc. I've also taught animation & photoshop as my background is in graphic design.
For an hour and a half, your group will create together from a list of different options that you can choose. More information can be found under the "classes" tab.
$30/person - materials all inclusive
These sessions go about 4-6 weeks and are 1.5 hours long. I include all the supplies. The murals are made with acrylic paint and are 4ftx4ft on panel boards. They are created by the students designing them during first class and then the rest of the classes are them painting. They paint on grayscale papers that are later sealed together. This is a quick/easy way to get a fun mural that's indoors only.
What is it?
Beautiful murals that are created by many hands each painting their own square sheet much like a “paint by number.” The design is kept secret from the participants as they are each only focused on painting their one square. Once all the pieces are painted, it is assembled and then revealed. Both interior and exterior murals are on panel boards that can then be hung adhered to a wall and moved if needed.
How is it done?
A design is created and then made in to many square papers that are then painted according to their reference image. Each square takes about 30-45 minutes to paint on average. With enough participants, an entire mural can be painted in an hours time.
How long does it take?
A class can be facilitated in a one hour period or can be done by meeting multiple classes for up to two days time. Once all the sheets are painted, the mural is assembled within 2 weeks and then can be ready for a reveal.
Why Make these?
These murals are a way to connect the participants and show them that they can all be part of something beautiful. They do not need to know the end result as they are creating it. They learn to see color and a way of creating that is fun and beneficial as they learn to not criticize their work and trust the process. The reveal is the most exciting moment of the project as they get to see what they have created together and how beautiful it is. The mural is a permanent part of their space and gives them a sense of ownership.
Please contact Stephanie Kohli for more details!
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