Today was the big mural reveal at Thomas Jefferson Elementary!!
I spent an hour with each 3rd-5th grade class and had every student paint one square. No one knew what it was that they were painting as they only saw their tiny square reference sheet.
Today then they saw what their mural looks like when all the squares were put together! It was magical to see their excited reaction when the curtain dropped.
Thank You so much to Thomas Jefferson Elementary for giving this opportunity to their students and myself. I love creating these type of murals and look forward to many more!!
The Monk Botanical Gardens paper pieced mural is complete! This was painted by many hands and then pieced together to celebrate their 20th year.
Thank you to everyone who helped create it! It is now installed outdoors in the gardens.
The bottle cap mural for GD Jones is complete!
Together with students in the G2M program, we painted and glued this 8ftx4ft butterfly mural.
Thank you so much to everyone who has been donating caps to me for projects over this past year. We couldn’t have done this without your help! Please continue saving your caps as more projects are being planned.
Not everyone could join us tonight, but the mural class children who did come to whitewater music hall got to see their creation for the first time!
We’ve been working together on this mural piece by piece the last few weeks. Though they helped give the inspiration, no one saw what the finished mural looked like as they painted their squares one at a time.
It will be on display at Whitewater Music Hall for a while. Come check it out!